(In no particular order...)
- Waves hello and good-bye and mimics saying "Hi". (I'm trying to get her to do a princess wave for all of the parades this summer but we'll take what she's got.)
- Eats all table foods - no baby food for her - not even in a pinch and she usually has seconds. She loves her food just like her mama.
- She can drink out of a sippy cup all by herself now. We used to have to hold it for her but she even tips it the right way and can actually drink out of it.
- She has four teeth through and still working on at least two more at the moment.
- She has been told she looks like Pebbles (just needs the bone) with one whale spout and CindyLou Who with two whale spouts in her hair.
- She does an extra long blink when she wants to flirt...mighty darn cute if I do say so myself - her Daddy is in TROUBLE! (Get the guns polished Honey!)
- She can click her tongue and mimic other noises. She also claps her hands, gives high 5's and beeps my nose.
- She teases her Mama...I try to get her to say "Mama" but usually when I say "Mama" she says "DADA." She loves talking to her Daddy on the phone...see number 13)
- She is SUPER ticklish!!! Just like her Daddy...Especially on her yummy rolls and under her chin.
- She tosses and turns and mostly sleeps through the night - except when her teeth are bothering her.
- She has no interest in crawling but rolls to where ever she wants to go. She gets herself in plenty enough trouble without the crawling...especially when she spies certain toys that her brothers have not picked up.
- She loves watching and playing with her "Bubba"s. They make her laugh, especially C - he likes to play with her. She is going to be one protected little girl - no one will mess with her "Bubba"s!
- Her beautiful blue eyes light up the room when she laughs...they sparkle and twinkle.
- OOOPPS! I know I am over the thirteen but just one more....She loves kitties...Auntie Jamie and Uncle Steve have baby kitties at their house and she would not leave those poor kitties alone. She was for the most part fairly gentle with them but she was trying to give it lots of kisses.
- That is another thing she likes to do! Give kisses. Of course, they are open mouth but she does "blow" kisses by making a kissing sound (smacking her lips together).
Okay - I'll stop now. She is getting so big - getting close to a year - only 50 more days!!! I can not figure out where all the time went! She is definitely a joy in our lives!!!!
1 comment:
She is growing way too fast. I can't believe it has been so close to a year already.
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